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Basic authentication for sites

SpinupWP allows you to add Nginx basic authentication to your site. This can be useful for restricting access to a site for security reasons or if you’re simply running a site that needs to restrict access before you even get to WordPress.

Site users

Sites deployed via SpinupWP are owned by a unique system user, known as a site user. Site users have restricted file permissions, which prevent them from viewing other site’s files and other sensitive files (such as Nginx configs).

Site users can SSH and SFTP to the server, but they will be restricted to the site’s directory. This makes them ideal for giving out to clients who require an SFTP user to manage their sites as they will be unable to view or modify other sites on the server.

When making changes to a site directly on the server, or running WP CLI the site user should be used. This will prevent file ownership issues and alleviate the need to manually chown files.

A site user’s home directory is located at: /sites/{domain}.

Key points to remember:

  • Site users are unable to navigate to another site’s home directory
  • Site users cannot modify server configs, such as those used by Nginx or PHP
  • Site users do not have sudo access, meaning they cannot run commands with root privileges
  • Site users should be given to clients who require SFTP access to manage their sites
  • Site users can use either public key authentication or password authentication
  • A site only has one user, but it can have multiple SSH keys assigned (if using public key authentication)

Site backups launched

This guide aims to help you set up automated daily site backups. Site backups are full backups of your site files (media, themes, and plugins) and database.

Teams launched

When you invite a member to your team in SpinupWP, the team member will be given a “User” role by default. The role of a team member can be updated at any time via the team settings Members page.

Security isolation between sites

We’ve released an update to SpinupWP that will enable SFTP/SSH access on a per-site basis and provide security isolation between your sites by running each site as a separate system user. Upgrading is a multi-step process that involves first running some upgrade routines on the server and running different upgrade routines for each site. This allows you to upgrade one site at a time and test each site after each upgrade. But each site and server upgrade should only take a minute or two.

You will not be able to deploy new sites to a server until you have upgraded the server. Nor will you be able to manage existing sites via SpinupWP until they’ve been upgraded.

SFTP/SSH access for each site

We’ve released an update to SpinupWP that will enable SFTP/SSH access on a per-site basis and provide security isolation between your sites by running each site as a separate system user. Upgrading is a multi-step process that involves first running some upgrade routines on the server and running different upgrade routines for each site. This allows you to upgrade one site at a time and test each site after each upgrade. But each site and server upgrade should only take a minute or two.

You will not be able to deploy new sites to a server until you have upgraded the server. Nor will you be able to manage existing sites via SpinupWP until they’ve been upgraded.

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